Bacteria and Viruses; are the most dangerous health threats that we face. Let’s review them.
Bacteria and Viruses are micro-organisms that can’t be seen by the human eye and their lethal illnesses display many of the same symptoms. The main difference between the two on a biological level is that bacteria cells can live inside or outside a body, while viruses require a host to survive. Many bacteria are helpful: in our stomach; digestive bacteria allows us to absorb food, in soil by adjusting nitrogen and decomposing organic material. Similarly, not all viruses are bad—we now know there are also beneficial viruses present in our bodies that can kill undesirable bacteria and other, more dangerous viruses.
Bacteria and Viruses are all around us
Bacteria and viruses may not be visible to the naked eye, but they are all around us in truly incredible numbers. In our oceans, there are roughly 10 billion times more bacteria than there are stars in the known universe. The millions of viruses that exist on our planet laid end to end would stretch for a distance of 100 million light-years. Most micro-organisms live harmlessly in/on our bodies outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1 and playing a vital role in human health. Pathogens are a subset of micro-organisms that cause disease and include strains of bacteria, fungi, viruses, helminths, and protozoa. Only 1% of the world’s known microbial population is pathogenic to humans— approximately 1400 species.
At IMD our solutions effectively kill ALL known pathogens safely and quickly.
What are Viruses, what are Bacteria?
Viruses are biological entities consisting of genetic material (single or double-stranded DNA/RNA) within a protective cellular wall. Like bacteria, they are microscopic and assume different shapes and sizes such as spirals, cylinders, and cylindrical shapes. Because viruses don’t have the same components as bacteria, they cannot be killed by antibiotics; only antiviral medications or vaccines can eliminate or reduce the severity of a viral disease. Viruses cause a wide range of diseases including the common cold, flu, herpes simplex virus, AIDS, Ebola, Zika, MERS, measles, smallpox, and SARS (including the current pandemic of COVID19). Bacteria are free-living cells (microscopic prokaryotes – the oldest, smallest, and simplest cells), that can live inside or outside a body and can be a rod, spiral or spherical in shape. There are two types of bacteria: Gram-negative or positive. Gram-negative bacteria have an outer membrane that acts as an extra line of defense making it harder for antibiotics to penetrate. The solution IMD uses destroys cellular walls of all Viruses and Bacteria through oxidation, causing the pathogen to collapse before being consumed.
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses are responsible for killing well over half of mankind. Bacterial infections started several major pandemics such as the bubonic plague (Black Death) which killed 50-60 million Western Europeans during the 14th Century). Viruses are biological entities consisting of genetic material (single or double-stranded DNA/RNA) within a protective cellular wall. Like bacteria, they are microscopic and assume different shapes and sizes such as spirals, cylinders, and spherical shapes. Because viruses don’t have the same components as bacteria, they cannot be killed by antibiotics; only antiviral medications or vaccines can eliminate or reduce the severity of a viral disease. Viruses cause a wide range of diseases including the common cold, flu, herpes simplex virus, AIDS, Ebola, Zika, MERS, measles, smallpox, and SARS (including the current pandemic of COVID19).
How to Combat Bacteria and Viruses
Active and Passive resistance in the following forms;
Vaccinations – being vaccinated and staying current with boosters
Social distancing – 6 feet is the bare minimum
Situational awareness – being mindful of those around you for symptoms and avoiding high-risk areas
Quarantining – follow the current CDC guidelines for anyone testing positive
Disinfecting – have your living and working spaces disinfected regularly
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